Exploring Neck and Shoulders 4 Lesson Feldenkrais Series


In this series we will explore integrating the neck and shoulders into the whole self. How can we develop more support and ease in these habitually tense areas? Lessons will include lengthening in the spine, releasing the neck, understanding the movements of the shoulders, expanding possibility, and supporting the nervous system. This series is great for anyone who is interested in learning more deeply about their habits, both physical and beyond!

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“I woke up this morning without the usual intense cramps in my neck that I have grown accustomed to first thing in the morning. It was amazing to wake up with a free neck! Thank you” - Jackie Ryan, series participant

For those with injuries in these areas, this series may be very beneficial and you are urged to take very careful attention and not do anything that hurts. Feldenkrais is a practice of becoming increasingly aware of yourself, more than achieving any kind of movement technique.

All lessons are downloadable or accessible on a password protected webpage. After purchasing series, expect an e-mail with a password shortly.